At the same time, China invested $800 billion in the development of green sources of power

Oct 25, 2011 14:15 GMT  ·  By

Despite the dangerous precedent reflected by the Fukushima incident, China won't stop exploiting the benefits of nuclear power. The Chinese government plans to expand the usage of nuclear energy, by adding an extra 106 GW of nuclear capacity, until 2035.

The officials want to overtake their American rivals in this field of activity as well. China also managed to develop renewable sources of energy faster and more efficiently than the US.

While the American government planed to invest almost $90 billion on the market of alternative sources of energy, the Chinese administration supported the development of green sources of power with approximately $800 billion.

Therefore, China is one step ahead of the American Government. Its new objective is to supply the nuclear power provider with 40 reactors by 2020, and to continue expanding its technology until it is able to compete with the power obtained by the US from its 104 reactors.

China's efforts to obtain better results than the US are somehow justified, taking into consideration the fact that China’s needs, in terms of power, will overcome the American demand by up to 68%, until 2035.

Also, if we take into consideration China's efforts to reduce its carbon footprints by encouraging the development of alternative sources of energy, maybe its decision to improve and expand the nuclear power technologies won't seem out of place.

The innovative measures applied to the industry of green energy are truly effective, since China’s wind power has increased its usage 1,000 times faster than its coal power.

The Chinese Government struggles to form experts in the industry of nuclear energy, unlike the American nation which hasn't shown a particular interest in educating a new, better qualified generation of engineers which could operate in this field.

Despite this great objective, public opinion treats this initiative with skepticism, due to its significant risks. It is a very common belief that alternative sources of energy represent a better option, mostly because they count as a safer way of producing electricity.