How bass can you go?

Mar 22, 2007 16:19 GMT  ·  By

Now, let's face it, there's bass and then there?s bass: most of us brag about what we have in our homes or (even more bragging) in our cars as far as sound gear is concerned. Well, no matter how stuffed is your car with audio, believe me it's crap! And I mean CRAP!

You want to know what Bass is and what Volume really means (except for going to a Pink Floyd concert or to a big-scale metal festival), look for the bass tunnel from Vibe. The UK-based Vibe company is making the most of their name, for vibe is what they make and make it unbelievably good. This time it?s no longer a thing for cars... maybe it could go on an open railroad cart... provided the full blast won't derail the train.

The bass tunnel is a weapon (to kill) or a tool (to demolish): 38,800W of bass deployed to rock the f***ing place. Any place. Everywhere. What do you think about 40 Space II 15? woofers in a 6 meter-long wall, some of them making a hole exactly like a tunnel? Blasting sound from 16 amps, this Stargate (SG-1, not Atlantis!) warns cardiacs and other people with less than perfect health not to enter as the violent bass-wave could harm them big time.

A bass so low and so powerful that everybody would be astonished: the low-end thump is so powerful that people not used to low bass+high volume would feel sick in the presence of the working tunnel in just seconds. The movie here is the perfect depiction of how fast are persons affected by the ridiculous amount of bass the Bass Tunnel can deliver (never mind that the individual who's getting sick is a very pretty babe!)

As for other pieces of evidence regarding the incredible blast of almost 40kW of bass in action, you can watch this video and see these pictures. Will we get to see this thing in mass production?

Photo Gallery (5 Images)

She likes bass
THIS is bassShe is into bass as well