The day of arrival continues to be unclear...

May 23, 2007 15:06 GMT  ·  By

The iPhone is still a few weeks from its grand debut, but rumors and speculations about the supply have already started to surface. According to a leaked AT&T retail brief that made the rounds earlier this month, sales of the iPhone were to be on a first come, first served basis. However, a recent survey ran by Channel Checkers showed that over half of the AT&T stores they called had a waiting list. Furthermore, the report also mentions that HonHai is having trouble because of part delays.

As June crept ever closer, people started talking about camping out for the iPhone. Many expected the devices to be in very high demand and many feared the possibility of not being able to buy one on the very first day. Not long afterwards, a 'leaked' sales brief was published on the Internet, stating that "sales of the iPhone will be on a first come, first served basis. No wait list names will be taken and NO pre-selling is allowed." However, a Channel Checkers report showed that of the 36 AT&T stores included in the survey, 64% reported a waiting list, while the remaining 36% said sales were on a 'first come first serve' basis.

The survey also asked what the arrival date of the device will be, and received answers that ranged from the 15th of June to July. Interestingly enough, the report also states that "we have stumbled across some info that leads us to believe that HonHai is having trouble manufacturing to schedule and is running behind due to some part delays. It appears that the initial 12 million unit run rate will not be available by June 15."

Whether or not HonHai is really having issues is unconfirmed, but with demand for the devices being so high, it would not be surprising if the device will be sold-out. Under these circumstances, it's not surprising that so many of the AT&T stores have a waiting list, even if it is an unofficial one.