According to a study conducted by Dial-a-Phone

Jan 19, 2007 09:01 GMT  ·  By

I guess you've never thought about how many germs, bacteria or even microbes wonder around on the surface of your cellphone every single moment. If you haven't found, there are people that have conducted a research study that has revealed one of the most shocking things most people never knew about.

There are some that wipe everything they touch with a an antibacterial solution and after finding out what the result of that study was, conducted by a mobile phone retailer named Dial-a-Phone, I have to say I truly understand them.

As the study says, the average cellphone will have on its surface and on the internal components much more bacteria, microbes and other very evil stuff most of us don't even want to know about.

There is so much filth on your mobile handset that a door handle from a public toilet, a keyboard, the bottom of someone's shoe or even a toilet seat might seem almost sterile.

Why is this happening? Mainly because many people keep their hands on the phone almost every minute of the day and this means everything you get on your hand by touching a dirty surface automatically goes on your phone.

Their research has found skin bacteria on the handsets and even confirmed the presence of the dreaded Staphylococcus aureus, one of the most dangerous bacteria not due to it being very aggressive but because it can be found on the skin of humans. The diseases it can cause are ranging from minor skin infections like boils, pimples and abscesses (pictured on the side) to a lot more life threatening diseases like meningitis, pneumonia, endocarditis, septicemia or TSS (toxic shock syndrome).

There is a thing though that lowers the chances of getting such illnesses due to this bacterial agent: if you are a healthy person with a normal immune system, you can forget about it because it will only affect people with serious immune system problems.

As Joanne Verran, Professor of Microbiology at Manchester Metropolitan University, has said: "Mobile phones, like many everyday objects such a telephones and computer keyboards, harbor bacteria. However, being 'mobile', they are stored in bags or pockets, are handled frequently, and held close to the face. In other words, they come into contact with more parts of our body and a wider range of bacteria than toilet seats! The phones contained more skin bacteria than the any other object; this could be due to the fact that this type of bacteria increases in high temperatures and our phones are perfect for breeding these germs as they're kept warm and cozy in our pockets, handbags and brief cases. These bacteria are toxic to humans, and can cause infections if they have the opportunity to enter the body".

Also, a Dial-a-Phone spokesperson has commented on the subject of this research study and declared that "we take our phones everywhere, being in close contact with our mouths, hands and faces their bound to collect all sorts of nasty germs. The images make look scary but our advice to phone users is to ensure they clean them regularly with an antibacterial wipe!"

Drawing the line to all these facts, you would probably be safer if you would live in a sterile glass laboratory like those little white rodents do (you know, the ones that are getting all kind of injections and are the subjects of a lot of experiments just for the good of all the man kind).

But, on the serious side, you should just wipe your cellphone with an antibacterial wipe as the Dial-a-Phone official said and hopefully, you'll escape being hit by some strange disease coming from a cellphone that nobody has ever heard about before.

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