Just in time to break out the swimsuit and head to the beach

Jul 20, 2009 18:31 GMT  ·  By
Sculpting the backside has just become easier with trainer David Kirsch’s tips in new book
   Sculpting the backside has just become easier with trainer David Kirsch’s tips in new book

Summer may be in full swing, but it’s never too late to start working out to look smashing at the beach, celebrity trainer David Kirsch says in his latest book. He is the man who has worked with everyone who’s anyone in the celebrity world, including high-earning supermodels like Karolina Kurkova, and he’s known for his super efficient and fast techniques for shaping the backside.

In light of the launch of his latest book, aptly called “Butt Book,” Shape magazine got to talk to Kirsch and get a few pointers on what women should or should not be focusing on when it comes to sculpting that particular part of their body. First of all, the trainer points out, it’s important each woman individually decide what she wants to change about her backside – and then adapt her workout to it.

One major concern remains, though, building strong quadriceps, which can be easily avoided, as Kirsch explains. “They’re going to [want to] do a wide-stance squat or a plié squat, which is second position dance, opening up your legs and bringing the focus to the inner thighs and not to the quads. Don’t use excessive weight and keep repetitions high. I use body weight or a medicine ball or light hand weights.” the trainer recommends. This way, the backside can be sculpted just nicely without building visible muscles.

However, there’s more to the newly launched book than just tips on exercises that can lead to quick loss, Kirsch points out. Granted, he did help many stars drop the pounds in almost record time, but that’s not to say that it’s been done so without concern for the slimmer’s weight. As a matter of fact, the trainer recommends keeping to a balanced diet while working out, and basically trying to cut out all those things that are not good for the health, be they sedentary activities or foods and drinks we simply can’t say no to.

“It’s going to be a combination of diet and exercise. You’re going to clean up your diet. You’re going to stay away from processed carbs and sugars. You want to increase your cardio. If you’re doing 30 minutes a day, you want to do at least 45 minutes a day. You want to vary your cardio. If you do the treadmill or elliptical all the time, try adding the rowing machine or stair climber, maybe get a new bicycle. You want to keep it fresh.” Kirsch says, adding that leading a healthier life usually implies a complete overhaul of the lifestyle we’ve had so far.