Star and Henry Beckwith get into argument, paparazzi snap their every move

Jul 6, 2010 14:30 GMT  ·  By
Geri Halliwell and Henry Beckwith get into heated argument in St Tropez, the paps snap their every move
   Geri Halliwell and Henry Beckwith get into heated argument in St Tropez, the paps snap their every move

Former Ginger Spice of the Spice Girls Geri Halliwell is now in St Tropez, where she’s supposed to be on a romantic vacation with her aristocratic boyfriend Henry Beckwith. Though the two are pretty serious, Beckwith proved the other day that he too can be just as easily tempted as many men – and he was caught in the act of looking after another woman, the Daily Mail informs.

The worst part of this was, nevertheless, that the paparazzi were nearby, and consequently snapped every second of the ensuing heated argument. Somehow, it seemed that Geri saw Henry checking out the other woman, and she instantly burst in a fit of anger. One photo, for instance, shows her trying to push Henry away, who appears to be trying to reason with her. In another shot, it’s clear from the expression on his face that he’s given up on that and that he resigned himself to outlasting the jealousy fit.

“Hell hath no fury like a former Spice Girl scorned. And so it would seem for Geri Halliwell, who flew into a jealous rage after her boyfriend Henry Beckwith gave another woman the eye. The bust-up happened yesterday in St Tropez, where the couple are supposedly on a romantic break together. They were both walking down to the beach front when all hell broke loose after an attractive young woman emerged from a black Ferrari,” the Mail writes.

“Aristocrat Henry made the big mistake of craning his neck round to take a second look at the scantily clad lady, who was dressed in hotpants and a [swimsuit] top. He attempted to remonstrate with Geri but by the time they had got down to the beach, the former Spice Girl, 37, was clearly enraged. She started shouting at him, waving her arms in the air and even pushing him away from her at one point. The drama attracted the attention of another man on the beach, who came over to see what was going on,” the tab further says.

The Mail even got to speak with someone who was present when the argument began and who vouches that this was Geri past “fuming” from rage. In fact, she was so enraged that it wasn’t until she told Henry off that she realized she was making a scene – and looked around to see whether anyone had noticed it too. Clearly, the answer to that is obvious: the paparazzi were closely paying attention.