The organization wants Morris to ask the people of Xalapa to spay, neuter their pets

Jun 15, 2013 19:31 GMT  ·  By

I don't know if you know this, but there's a cat running for mayor in Xalapa, the state capital of Veracruz, Mexico. No, really: Morris is dead set on becoming the city's highest authority and use his power to rid the city of “rats.”

PETA fully supports the “candigato”’s candidature, but that's only because it has a hidden agenda.

Long story short: the organization hopes that, once Morris becomes Xalapa's new mayor, he will ask citizens to spay and neuter their pets.

“It can help dogs and cats live longer, healthier lives since fixed animals are less likely to develop cancer and other diseases of the reproductive system.”

“This issue is purrfect for your platform, as reducing the number of homeless animals in Xalapa will also help keep the city cleaner and reduce the public costs associated with the animal overpopulation crisis—measures that are sure to make you the winner,” the organization writes in a letter addressed to Morris.

Before you start thinking that PETA has completely gone bananas, it must be said that the organization does not really have any intention of getting involved in political affairs. Or back up a cat running for mayor.

“PETA's backing of Morris for mayor is obviously intended as a humorous way to provide Xalapa residents with information about ways to address the homeless-animal crisis.”

“PETA makes no comment on the suitability for office of any bipedal candidates,” the organization wishes to clarify.