To prove that not only dogs can ride skateboards, Didga showcases some awesome skills

Jan 21, 2014 20:06 GMT  ·  By

I'm not sure how much of the video posted by Catmantoo is actually real and how much is modified, but the result is rather awesome.

I've seen several dogs riding skateboards, but when it comes to cats, this is the first one, and it kind of tops the canine performances.

The feline version of animals on skateboards features Didga, the cat, and her remote-controlled skateboard Ollie pulling off some sick tricks on the streets of Coolangatta, Australia.

The cat shows her native skateboarding skills by jumping on and off, up and down, over obstacles and signs and even over a large Rottweiler dog.

If this proves anything, it’s that felines are built to master skateboarding and, unlike other animals, they don't just stand there waiting for the skateboard to just roll on its own, but they contribute with a few awesome jumps.