Jasper vanishes from home for weeks to wander with the Metro around England

Jan 6, 2014 21:56 GMT  ·  By

Owners of a ginger cat from North Shields, UK are considering buying their cat Jasper a Metro pass in order to avoid the commuter cat to be caught illegally riding public transportation. The cat enjoys taking long trips on the Metro and socializing with commuters in the train.

Living close to the Metro Station, the cat vanishes from home, sometimes even for weeks, just to ride the metro and sit on people's knees while traveling. He has traveled around the region and went missing for more than six weeks, terrifying his owners.

The ginger cat has developed a habit of running away from home and keeping company to strangers on the train in his adventurous travels. The one-and-a-half-year old cat has traveled by itself to Jesmond, Four Lane Ends, Meadowell and other places, staying away from home for days or weeks.

His owners had a chip planted in order to track the cat and find it every time he goes astray in one of his Metro adventures. The owners are usually notified by a vet or an animal shelter that found the cat and are looking to return it to its loving family.

The last time Jasper disappeared, his owner Steph Keenan had to launch a Facebook hunt in a desperate attempt to find the traveling cat. Being gone for more than a month, the family started to worry but thanks to his chip, a kind lady returned him to his family just in time for Christmas.

“He likes to go on the Metro platform and we've had calls from people who were getting on the Metro but who hadn't met the cat but who had seen him on Facebook. Jasper starts sitting on their knees and making friends – but he doesn't know these people,” Steph says, according to Chronicle Live.

The most amusing thing is that a very similar cat has been featured in several cat ads on TV and being unaware of his whereabouts, the family is thinking that Jasper may have taken up acting in one of his trips, without them being notified.