How do 10dB sound under water?

Nov 7, 2007 13:47 GMT  ·  By

If you had serious concerns about mixing in water and? headphones, and couldn't sleep well because you weren't at all happy with not being able to listen to your fav music while scuba diving or just swimming in the pool, there you go: other waterproof headphones, this time from action sports brand, H2O. The H3 headset is equipped with 3rd generation speakers, said to deliver better performance out of the water and overall increased listening comfort.

Well, nobody has ever specified howwaterproof the H3s actually are and how deep you can safely wear them while diving. Instead of this, H2O proudly describes these headphones as sporting better isolation buds for keeping the water out of your ears more efficiently and for a longer time, while also acting like silencers for use outside the pool. Basically, it seems that we're dealing with some interesting headphones, splash and waterproof, doubling as noise-reduction headgear when in common, dry use. Neat!

And because H2O are channeling their efforts towards improving the way we practice sports, the H3's neckband came as a natural thing. The great feature is that you can actually detach the earbuds from this neck band for an easy use in common situations, just like any other similar gear. But another cool feat of the H3 is that the coiled cable is "reactive" and it will significantly reduce tangling and accidental pulls when you're on the move, thus increasing the headphones' life and well-being.

At the same time, the new, H3 headset is told to be capable of reproducing sound with a 10dB output increase, significantly more than the previous version, and will sport a better bass response both in and especially out of the water. The H3 waterproof headphones will be available in most stores, including Apple Stores, and will sell for about $50. Grab your shower gel and go get 'em!

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Neat sporty headphones that will not...'die' under water
Underwater music sounds better now
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