Plan B Entertainment says it could involve Brad Pitt into the project

Nov 20, 2009 09:44 GMT  ·  By

Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li is one of the latest movie adaptions based on a Capcom title, and, even if the film barely escaped a near-death experience at the box office, the company isn't ready to give up on live-action movies just yet. The developer has announced that it will work with the movie-production company Plan B Entertainment to bring to the big screens its next game, Dark Void. The star of the film is rumored to be Brad Pitt, but all you ladies out there shouldn't get your hopes up just yet.

"As a game, Dark Void was developed with a wide-screen mentality – a world full of adventure presented in cinematic scope and scale," Capcom Senior Vice President of Licensing Germaine Gioia said. As opposed to all other Hollywood game-inspired movie disasters that are designed for a pocket-watch screen and intend to make the movie small and insignificant, we're sure that this film is going to be a world apart from them.

Gioia also added that, "Plan B recognized the potential of our newest property and are as excited about bringing Dark Void to life in cinemas as Capcom is to bring the interactive experience to home theaters." Plan B has worked on other films like The Departed, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, in which the production company did, indeed, manage to convince Pitt to star in the movie. The company is also working on a film based on the graphic novel Kick-Ass, written by the same author that did the Wanted comic book.

When talking about the movie, Capcom also announced that it would delay the actual game. It's not anything disastrous, as the developer has only pushed the title's release back by one week. The new date when we can expect Dark Void to come out is January 19 in North America for the PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3, while the game will be launched in Europe on January 22. It will take place in "The Void," the mysterious area located inside the Bermuda Triangle, where players will have to confront the alien race inside. If there's something about the character design that reminds of the 1991 movie, The Rocketeer, don't be scared, you're not the only one having this familiar feeling.