Marvel vs. Capcom 2 might appear soon

Mar 13, 2009 07:37 GMT  ·  By

We've recently seen a big boom in terms of retro games, titles that have marked a lot of people's childhood being revamped and marketed through various digital download services like the Xbox Live Arcade or the PlayStation Network.

Of late, Capcom has had the greatest achievement with the new version of its extremely popular Street Fighter II title, dubbed Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix. The game, which has appeared on both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, has become very successful, gaining positive reviews for the beautiful art style and stunning, high-definition quality. It also shattered day one and week sales when it was released, just before Thanksgiving day in the United States.

Now, it seems that Capcom will continue to bring more HD remixes to its older titles, as it has proven that old games, if taken care of properly, will attract a lot of people. The company's VP of Business Development and Strategic Planning, Christian Svensson, has revealed to Videogamer that more titles will be released, and has hinted that Marvel vs. Capcom 2 may be the first one to receive the next HD treatment.

“Are we done doing HD Remixes? No we're not done,” Svensson says. “But the next ones that we do will be even better, based on what we learned. Marvel would be great to do. There's obviously a fan base for it. It's probably our most requested title. Unfortunately, I wish I had news to share on that front, but I don't.”

Let's not forget that the ESRB has rated Marvel vs. Capcom 2 for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 at the end of the last year, fuelling a lot of speculation, however these statements will surely give birth to even more rumors. Hopefully, the Japanese company will reveal more concrete details as soon as possible, and players will be able to see more old titles being brought to the realms of high definition.