Jared Polin explains everything from basic camera functions to more complex settings

Dec 9, 2013 12:03 GMT  ·  By

You can't miss Jared Polin if you'd pass by him thanks to his amazing hair but, there's more about Jared than his hair that makes him stand out from the crowd.

Many enthusiast photographers have heard about Jared Polin and his work, which appeared in important publications like the Rolling Stone, Spin Magazine and other renowned international publications.

Besides that, a few years ago Jared launched FroKnowsPhoto.com, a website that aims to help photographers learn more about their equipment and other tips and tricks to get the perfect shot in any condition.

On FroKnowsPhoto, Jared has recently published a new tutorial covering the basics on how to setup your Canon 70D for stills and video footage.

The video above spans over 30 minutes and comes packed with useful information about the Canon 70D DSLR from its exterior buttons and functions to how you can setup various options in order to get the best from your images and videos.