Five reasons fro which the shuffle is better than the nano

Dec 13, 2006 07:58 GMT  ·  By

The iPod nano gets a lot of press coverage, but the shuffle is somehow left behind, or at least that's what I have been able to notice. Despite all the fuss around its big brother, the shuffle has a lot of attributes that can't be found together in any other player, despite the fact that there's nothing out of the ordinary with them.

In an article published two days ago, Gizmodo wrote down the top five reasons for which the iPod shuffle beats the nano, and although I was not confident at all that this can be true, I decided to check it out, and now I am sharing with you what I found out.

First of all, the shuffle has a clip. This is much better than that lanyard that comes with the nano, because there's no place on your body and clothing that you can't use for this, so if you think your tiny music player is safer clipped to your underwear, nothing stops you from doing it. Still, let's move on to the next reason now...

The controls are not touch-sensitive, so you can control your shuffle with your gloves on, while this won't happen anytime soon with the nano!

Every time I get to see an iPod shuffle, I wonder how small it can be. For me, this is not good, because I am not crazy about tiny phones and music players at all, especially because you can loose them much easier than the heavier ones, but Gizmodo says this is a strong point. Well, that depends on the person who judges this aspect...

The fourth reason that makes the shuffle better than the nano is the price, and I have nothing to say against it. After all, 79$ shouldn't be a fortune for most people, and the shuffle lowers the entry barrier to the iPod world.

Gizmodo concludes the article with a reason that's pretty funny for me, saying that "It's not a Zune". I don't hate Apple, and I don't know people that hate the company or its products, but it was really refreshing to read about the tiny shuffle that "Its graceful unboxing experience alone is enough to warm the cockles of even the coldest Apple hater's heart". So, no matter if you're an Apple lover or not, the iPod shuffle is an item worth checking this holiday season!