Successful baby video ported on iPhone OS

Jul 28, 2010 07:52 GMT  ·  By

Calm Baby, Inc., a company found back in 2001, proudly announces the launch of its premiere award-winning video product, Calm Baby, as an iPhone application. The software is only available in English, but the company has plans to introduce other languages as well.

The application is based on a baby video, which was created by two moms, parents of triplets, and the parents of an infant and a two-year-old, who wanted to stimulate their babies and toddlers minds as well as relax them. After seeing how their children responded to Calm Baby, they decided to make the baby video available to other families as well.

We’ve had so many parents over the years tell us how Calm Baby was the only thing that calmed their child, so we decided to make an app and give parents easier access to those peaceful moments. With the soothing sights and sounds of water coupled with classical music or nursery rhythms, it’s the perfect answer during those long waits in the grocery store, doctor’s office, in backed-up traffic, or for parents on the go,” stated Laureen Mgrdichian, mom and co-founder of Calm Baby.

The Calm Baby app is $3.99 and includes four looping video clips: two classical music lullabies (Bach’s “Opus 55” and the “Waterfall Lullaby”), and two traditional nursery rhyme songs (“Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” and “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”). The Calm Baby application also includes twelve additional video clips from the Calm Baby DVD that are available for $.99 each.

Once acquired, users will also be able to take advantage of the ‘Mommy Toolbox’, a handful of useful tips on common parenting issues, such as getting your child to bed, your child walking at night, mealtime madness, the strong-willed child, and toddler tantrums.

Calm Baby requires an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad device with iPhone OS 3.0 or later, and can be downloaded from AppStore.

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