Plenty of Xbox 360 owners are complaining of the same issues with Modern Warfare 3

Nov 17, 2011 22:51 GMT  ·  By

Quite a lot of Xbox 360 owners have found that their copies of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 are causing the console to display disc read errors either while starting the game or even during actual gameplay.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 was eagerly awaited by millions of fans from all around the world, with Activision breaking records for day-one sales and making a huge amount of money from the release of the first person shooter.

Sadly, it seems that there are quite a few problems with some Xbox 360 copies of Modern Warfare 3, as many owners of the Microsoft console are posting on a thread on the Xbox support forums, saying that their devices have displayed disc read errors while trying to access the actual Call of Duty game.

These errors were displayed either when the game started or throughout various moments in its single-player, co-op or multiplayer campaigns.

Even after taking the disc out and polishing or cleaning it up, the errors continued to apper, according to most users.

Some players who had friends with other consoles took tried out the copies and found the disc read error appearing once again, so it's quite certain that there's a problem with the disc and not their original console.

As of yet, however, Activision has yet to comment on this issue, so, while this may be just some isolated cases, a faulty batch of discs could also be to blame for these errors.

Microsoft support staff has also posted in the thread and confirmed that these issues can't really be fixed on their end because it's not a software or console problem that's causing them.

Have you encountered such disc read errors while trying to play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 on the Xbox 360? Share your experience below.