Plenty of different improvements are included in the new patch

Apr 4, 2014 09:31 GMT  ·  By

After launching a brand new patch for Call of Duty: Ghosts on the Xbox One and Xbox 360 platforms yesterday, alongside the new Devastation DLC, Activision and Infinity Ward have posted the full changelog for the big update, confirming just what new things are included.

Call of Duty: Ghosts received its second major downloadable map pack yesterday, in the form of the Devastation add-on, which brought forth four new competitive multiplayer maps, one new level for the cooperative Extinction experience, as well as a new gun called the Ripper.

Alongside the new multiplayer expansion, a brand new update went live yesterday on the Xbox One and Xbox 360 consoles, bringing forth a series of big changes, including a loadout generator.

First up, the new patch brings a series of weapon balance tweaks, specifically an increase in damage for all SMGs besides the MTAR-X and the Ripper. An exploit where muzzle brakes could be applied to silenced weapons has also been resolved.

The anti-cheat system in Call of Duty: Ghosts has also been improved by the fresh patch, specifically for exploits relating to ballistic vests, rock penetration, or killstreak classification. Glitches in maps like Sovereign, Freight, or Whiteout have also been addressed. Last but not least, the infinite tactical grenade error has been resolved.

All sorts of other fixes have been implemented for the multiplayer mode overall. The match summary screen is more stable, while bots will behave better when using melee killstreaks. Ammo crates will no longer cause players to drop their weapons, while the Clan vs. Clan games will count towards the challenges to play in Team Tactical matches.

The update also brought forth a series of huge changes for the Extinction cooperative mode, from optimizations for performance, to different additions that should benefit the new Mayday scenario included in Devastation.

Check out all the different improvements below, via the official forums.


- Memory optimizations to improve performance. - FX optimizations to improve performance. - Slowed down Seekers by defaulting to walk initially before they run at players. - Improved difficulty balancing across solo and co-op. - Fixed issues with container spawns not always triggering. - Introduced the Alien Armory and the collectible alien “Teeth” system. - Updated attachments privileges for the M27 and LSAT. - Adjusted the solo hardcore Nightfall difficulty. - Adjusted the offset positions for some of the weapons to better align them with the bottom of the pillage locker. - Fixed some locations that allowed players to pick up/purchase items through geo. - Moved some scavenge items that were clipping into geo and unobtainable. - Updated the solo and co-op hardcore difficulties. - Updated the hardcore challenges to better reflect what challenges should be triggered and where. - Adjusted the spawn table to prevent aliens from spawning in undesired locations. - Reduced the melee damage of the Phantom in solo. - Fixed lobby focus issues with entering and exiting videos. - Update the “Long Shot” challenge for Nightfall. - Fixed FX issues with flares not always displaying the green FX. - Fix conflicts between a placed IMS and some traps. - Fix issue for late joiners so that they could contribute to active challenges. - Pet aliens can no longer cause the “Melee Only” challenges to fail when they kill an alien. - Players no longer see weapon based challenges when the “Pistols Only” Relic is active. - Fixed case where if a user holds the ADS button while they fire a Venom-X gun and continued to hold the button the grenade explosion and effect would be invisible. (Nightfall and Mayday) - Fixed case where some challenges were awarding multiple skill points. - Cleaned up logic for deployable items between hosts and clients. - Fixed host migration issues with locker keys not displaying in the HUD. - Last stand icon no longer shows in coop games after being revived. - Included Rhino kills on the “Kills” leaderboard. - Fixed spawning animation issues after a host migration. - Integrated new lobby music for each map. - Disabled the ability to activate special abilities while controlling the Trinity Rocket. - Removed Burst Fire as an attachment for locker weapons.

The new patch is already available for download for Call of Duty: Ghosts on Xbox One and Xbox 360 right now, via the Xbox Live online service.