Jul 14, 2011 08:50 GMT  ·  By

Invitations for the new Call of Duty Elite online service are going to start being sent out today, July 14, with Activision's Beachhead team deploying them in waves to all Call of Duty fans that have already signed up to participate in the beta stage of the program.

Call of Duty Elite was revealed a few months ago as a new online service that serves to enhance the regular multiplayer experience in normal Call of Duty games like the recent Black Ops or the upcoming Modern Warfare 3.

Before the official rollout of the service, on November 8, right alongside Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Activision confirmed that a beta service, which ties into Black Ops, is going to appear.

Now, after more than 2 million players signed up to participate in the beta, the company confirmed that invitations were going to be sent out in waves starting today, July 14.

"The first wave starts Thursday, July 14," said Activision Social Media Manager Dan Amrich on his blog.

"There is no set hour during the day for that to happen, so there’s no need to camp out at your computer. Also, it’s been said several times before, but it bears repeating: the first wave will be very small. It will grow with time, so you might not get in immediately. Don’t let that worry you; slow and steady is part of the plan. It has to be, or this won’t work at all."

Invitations are going to be sent, more or less in the order users signed up to participate, and Activision highlights that as many as possible will be let into this beta stage in order to test out all of its features, but it's going to take some time before they all get their invitations.

The Call of Duty Elite beta is a global one, but the website, at least for now, is just in English. The final version will be translated in quite a few languages in order to ensure maximum appeal.

All of the features in the Call of Duty Elite beta are free, but some may become premium, meaning they'll require a paid subscription to access, when the service is officially released later this year.

Expect invitations into the beta stage to arrive in the following weeks, so, until then, you'd better start playing some more Call of Duty: Black Ops in order to increase your rankings.