More information will come on Wednesday at DICE

Feb 3, 2015 08:22 GMT  ·  By

We are mostly used to get news about Call of Duty from the team at Sledgehammer Games these days, because they are in charge of Advanced Warfare, but it seems that another studio associated with the franchise, Treyarch, might have some major information to share on Wednesday about something related to zombies.

The information comes from the official Twitter account of the company and a blurry image is attached, which does not manage to offer any sort of actual details on what the announcement might be.

The use of hashtags does reveal that undead are involved and that the news will be offered during the Design, Innovate, Communicate and Entertain summit, which is set to take place this week.

Treyarch has not offered any clarification despite a lot of speculation from its fans.

The company has worked on the Call of Duty franchise for a long time, so it’s possible that a new title will be revealed.

But usually Activision waits until the middle of the year before offering details on the coming installment in the franchise, mostly in order to make sure that the previous title in the series has enough time to launch its downloadable content packs.

The studio might be simply ready to offer more details on how it created the undead-based moves for the series and all the excitement might come to nothing.

Call of Duty now has three major teams working on it

Activision announced that it was moving the Call of Duty franchise to a new three-year development cycle, which is designed to introduce more innovation and to make sure that launch quality is better than ever.

Advanced Warfare, which arrived in November 2014, has managed to add a number of new gameplay concepts that the community has adopted and it once again sold very well.

Since then, Sledgehammer Games has launched the first DLC pack, called Havoc, on the Xbox One and the Xbox 360, with gamers who play on the PlayStation 4, the PS3 and the PC set to get it before the end of February.

There are three other content drops that will arrive this year, and the announcement of an entirely new Call of Duty experience from Treyarch might convince some fans to wait for the new title rather than buy the DLCs.  

Call of Duty Images (9 Images)

Call of Duty announcement is coming
Undead action in Call of Duty: Advanced WarfareClosed down facility