The gameplay video shows some of the innovative elements that Sledgehammer Games added to the CoD formula

Oct 5, 2014 16:18 GMT  ·  By

The latest reveal from developer Sledgehammer Games is a video showcasing one of the single-player missions in the upcoming military first-person shooter Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.

The gameplay video comes with commentary from Sledgehammer Games co-founder Glenn Schofield, revealing some interesting information regarding the Traffic mission, an affair that will let gamers experience the pleasure of playing Frogger while clad in expensive futuristic exoskeletal armor.

Joking aside, the mission offers players a high-speed experience, consisting of a chase where you have to jump on top of a moving bus and shoot other moving vehicles. In what is probably the full extent to which parkour will ever evolve, you will then have to jump from bus to bus mid-traffic, all the while making sure to also dodge incoming bullets.

Revolutionary action sequences

Schofield reveals during the video that the team was thinking of doing a high-speed chase in a video game, and outlines what challenges that entailed, concluding that Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare will probably be the best game to pull it off.

The futuristic weaponry and equipment at your soldier’s disposal mean that you don’t have to think in terms of what is possible with the technology we have today. Boost jumps, magnetic gloves and all the other fancy tricks and gadgets that the exoskeletal armor has make it easy to hang off the side of a bus while shooting.

The action sequences make a lot more sense this way, enabling the developers to pull off exciting and impressive feats, and offering gamers the chance to experience something new.

A powerful story to support the action

The fact that the action is set in the near future enabled the team to take a couple of liberties, taking a step sideways from the main bulk of the Call of Duty experience.

Sledgehammer Games aims to provide gamers with a fresh take on the series, that seems familiar to long-time fans but still remains a distinct offering.

The developer intends to do this through the addition of some fancy gameplay elements, enhancing the freedom of movement players have on the battlefield, and giving them a new bag of tricks, cycle grenades, hand-mounted rockets, and shields that protect them from incoming projectiles.

In addition to this, Advanced Warfare is also trying to deliver the most compelling story in the series yet, where things won’t be as black and white as before. The story will be enhanced by performances from famous actors such as Kevin Spacey, Troy Baker, and many other talented individuals.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is slated for a November 4 release, headed to the PC, the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 home consoles from Sony, and the Xbox One and Xbox 360 computer entertainment systems from Microsoft.