Developer commentary provides an insight into the many additions coming to the classic Call of Duty formula

Oct 7, 2014 08:15 GMT  ·  By

Developer Sledgehammer Games has released a brand new gameplay video discussing some of the particularities of competitive multiplayer, complete with commentary from two of the designers.

The commentary is provided by Sledgehammer Games head Michael Condrey and by Lead Multiplayer Designer Greg Reisdorf, providing valuable insight on how the upcoming game plays, and on the tactical options that gamers have when engaging in competitive gameplay.

The insider perspective offers a more detailed look at the upcoming changes to the traditional Call of Duty multiplayer formula, and the exciting additions meant to revitalize the multiplayer gameplay experience, criticized for getting a little stale over the last couple of years.

The video shows a bunch of different in-game interactions, highlighting how you can take care of cloaked players, and how you can use a special grenade to track people through walls, in order to gain an immense tactical advantage.

In addition to this, some maps will feature some interesting events, the developers showing the various news ways players can interact with the environments due to the jump boosters, enabling multiplayer skirmishes to take place in a much more vertical setting.

The exoskeletal suit is one of the most exciting things to hit Call of Duty multiplayer, making possible a wealth of interactions and tweaks in map design, and introducing a much-needed change in the action dynamic.

More than just multiplayer toys

The upcoming tactical first-person shooter will attempt to breath some fresh life into the stagnant franchise. The last installment, Call of Duty: Ghosts, was criticized for having the least interesting story in the series so far, with many fans complaining about being burned out on the series and looking for something new, not merely buying the same game year after year.

Sledgehammer Games took the series in a different direction from the one mainstay developer Infinity Ward utilized, by having all the action take place in the near future, which enabled the introduction of a bunch of cool gadgets that, of course, translate into novel gameplay mechanics.

Some of the things showed so far were jump boosts, hand-mounted rockets, temporary invisibility, grenades that can detect people behind walls, and other such neat additions.

The company has also recently released a video showing a segment from the single-player campaign, delivering a high-speed chase on the highway, with soldiers jumping from bus to bus. The addition of enhanced jumps and magnetic gloves, as well as other such elements, are some of the things that made such an innovative action setting possible.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is set to launch on November 4, 2014, coming to the Windows PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One platforms.