Players will be able to affect the very structure of the game world

Apr 30, 2012 08:46 GMT  ·  By

Goonswarm and an alliance of other corporations have announced their intention to assault the Council of Stellar Management and its in-game Jita trade hub in the EVE Online and CCP, the developer of the game, believe that giving players this much freedom shows how their game is different from other MMOs.

Jon Lander, who is the senior producer working on EVE Online at CCP, stated, “I tell you what, it’s going to be brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. There was one bug in the game that meant that if they do the things they’re going to do, they could have escaped the in-game consequences. So we fixed that bug about three weeks ago.”

The developer says that he actually wants to see how Goonswarm would pull off their attack and wants to see how the rest of the game players react to it.

Kristoffer Touborg, who is the lead game designer, added, “It’s what makes Eve a really good game. Do you want to play a 15 minute match of Call of Duty that you won’t remember the next day, or do you want to spend four months manufacturing 14,000 Thrashers to do this? It’s just so big and awesome.”

The current in-game actions are linked to real-world frictions between CCP and the Goonswarm alliance, which has seen its leader, the Mittani, banned for making sore rather distasteful comments.

CCP has long maintained that EVE Online was the most engrossing MMO experience on the market because its most dedicated participants continued playing the game after they logged off, creating complex social networks and planning grand schemes to deceive their enemies.

The development team has plans to offer more content and more features for EVE Online in the long term, and it is also current working on World of Darkness, a fantasy-themed MMO, and Dust 514, a shooter that will be launched on the PlayStation 3.