Witness the yard sale of the processing giant

Mar 14, 2007 14:02 GMT  ·  By

It almost sounds too good to be true, somewhat similar to the commercials that promise you the heaven and the seas, or those never ending spam e-mails in which the king of who knows what country wants to give me a couple of millions of dollars, in exchange for a little, tiny detail, THE NUMBER OF MY BANK ACCOUNT.

Well this is actually a true story, a man called David Weaver, a former Assistant Development Manager to the Sales, Marketing & Services group for Dell Online, thought it would be rather interesting for average Joes to own a little "piece of Austin history". So, after the destruction of Austin based Intel Shell facility, pieces of, I believe, rubble were collected and are now available for sale for the meaningless price of 20$ for a three-once bottle marked "Intel, Shell inside".

This is no gimmick, the taxes and shipping costs are included in this price, and the person who thought of this ingenious marketing scheme is actually an MBA major. The only thing I could have suggested would be to include some informative discount prices for the acquisition of more than just one bottle, I mean, what if somebody would want to built a dog house from those materials and call it "The dog house", with a sticker on the side saying "Dogs inside, humans outside"?

There could also be other markets available out there for people with revolutionary ideas such as this one, say, for instance the "24/7-guaranteed-green-light-emitting-cook-your-chicken-if-you-leave-it-close-by" Plutonium residues taken from Chernobyl after reactor number four exploded, or bottled light for those cold, dark nights in which you forgot to pay the electrical bills. It's a big world out there.