The influences are clear when it comes to character design

Sep 5, 2013 08:47 GMT  ·  By

We already know a lot about the universe in which Bungie’s coming Destiny video game will take place, but the team working on it can still deliver surprising information about the way the game world will be constructed.

David Dague, known as DeeJ in his role as a community manager at the studio, tells the official PlayStation Blog that the science fiction elements are tempered by the strains of mysticism and fantasy that are present.

The developer states, “I think the players will relate to the heroes of Destiny as knights more than soldiers. Destiny is all about your own personal quest. It’s about an epic adventure to solve the mysteries that are encountered through the story.”

Bungie will use a visual style that explains the mix of influences and gamers will be able to create characters that look like medieval paladins who happen to wield futuristic weaponry.

The high tech look of the characters will contrast with the landscapes that players will visit, which are mostly destroyed battlefields that speak of old conflicts.

Dague adds, “It is a little ironic to say that post-apocalyptic society is a place you want to visit again and again but even though there has been a collapse of the Golden Age, even though you are a former civilisation and that the entire solar system has been smashed, the city that exists is a place where humanity still thrives.”

Destiny is designed to give all players clear end game objectives, linked to the lone human city still remaining on Earth, but at the same time, it will focus heavily on group interactions.

Players can go through the entire game solo, but the experience will be more engaging if they join a group.

Destiny will be launched in 2014 and will be offered on the PlayStation 4, the Xbox One and current-gen consoles.