The company needs a big stage for its huge projects

Jul 25, 2008 17:06 GMT  ·  By

Everybody was expecting to hear Bungie's huge announcement about a supposedly new Halo game during the E3 media summit last week, but Microsoft had other plans, claiming that E3 stage is too small for Bungie. And by saying that, they kind of confirmed the rumor: what could be bigger than a new game in the Halo franchise?

However, it seems that the developers are working on other projects as well - three, to be more specific, but they have no plans to reveal them yet. According to a post on their official blog, the company will participate at the PAX (or Penny Arcade Expo) in Seattle, but there won't be any huge surprise revealed, either. However, we should expect to see some "Halo 3 multiplayer stuff", which might be just enough for many.

"For the record, we have no plans to make any big announcements or huge reveals at PAX this year. While we will have some Halo 3 multiplayer stuff for you to check out, this is not going to be the 'big announcement' many of our fans are clamoring for. Rest assured that when the time is right, we will be making announcements and talking about the stuff we're currently working on," said Bungie.

And that's the biggest secret, it seems, the project they're working on right now. According to the same posting, there are three titles the company is developing, "some familiar, some not, some on a closer horizon, some quite far off". But they're not offering any detail on them and that makes us wonder why. When an event big enough for the announcement will be held? It could be Tokyo, but since Microsoft and the Asian market are not close friends, we truly doubt that's when they share the secret. And this means we can only wait and imagine what the three projects Bungie's working on are. Halo 4, 5 and 6?