Bully to ship as planned

Oct 16, 2006 07:53 GMT  ·  By

Last week, Judge Friedman of the Third District Court of Appeal asked to review a copy of Rockstars' upcoming game, Bully. This came as a result of an injunction request forwarded by Jack Thompson, who is trying to have the game banned before its release.

After watching a Take Two representative playing the game, the Florida Judge, gave his go-ahead as he decided that the game will ship as planned, on October 17 in the US and October 27 in Europe. Friedman stated that the game does not contain any violence or misbehavior that cannot be found on TV. For the judge to view the whole game and make a final decision, the Take Two representative who played the game for him, used a cheat code to skip around in the game.

The judge added that he wouldn't want his kids to play the game, but explained that this is not a valid reason to force it from shipping. As the Judges' ruling came so close to the shipping date, Jack Thompson does not have time to appeal the decision, and after hearing the final decision of the Judge, Thompson confirmed that he will not pursue further legal action and that Bully will hit the stores as planned.