He has been identifying as female since he was 5

Apr 9, 2015 13:31 GMT  ·  By
Bruce Jenner will come out as trans-woman in April 24 ABC special with Diane Sawyer
   Bruce Jenner will come out as trans-woman in April 24 ABC special with Diane Sawyer

On April 24, ABC will run a Diane Sawyer 2-hour special with Bruce Jenner, the famous Olympian and reality star believed to be in the process of transitioning from male to female. Concrete details on the special are yet to come out on official channels, but there are plenty of rumors to go around.

The latest comes from TMZ, which cites inside sources as saying that the interview will see Bruce “present himself” as a woman: he thinks of this as the moment he will say “farewell to Bruce.”

Jenner won’t be wearing women’s clothes or reveal a favorite woman’s name, but he will talk about his experience of living his life as male when he’s been identifying as female since he was as young as 5.

He will also discuss the impact his plans for full gender reassignment have had on his family, and how he’s adjusting to the new reality. The special will focus on his “journey” and his mental state right now, but also past struggles stemming from frustrations and a desire for secrecy.

Apparently, Jenner decided to do the special a long time ago, shooting interviews at various stages in the process of transitioning. He is doing it “to both free himself and educate the public so others in his position don’t have to go through the pain,” the report says.

His decision to go public with all these details has already been praised by the LGBT community, because he is the first high-profile celebrity to do something like this. It goes without saying that the special will be a monster hit in the ratings.