Here’s what the Princess of Pop really sounds like

Jul 2, 2014 08:55 GMT  ·  By

Fans know by now that Britney Spears is not an exceptional vocalist. In fact, throughout the years, whenever she was criticized for lip-synching through her shows, they always defended her by saying that she wasn’t just a singer, she was a performer, an entertainer.

In plain-speak, that means that they were willing to excuse her for miming on stage because she also did a lot of choreography, though I believe they always knew that Britney would simply disappoint if she sang live and did not have all that studio trickery usually found on her albums to rely on.

Don’t get me wrong, Britney can – and very rarely does – sing live. But it’s seldom to her own songs.

While fans are ok with knowing that, whenever they buy a ticket for her shows, they’re actually paying good money to see a glorified backup dancer pretend to sing (no offense to all the dancers out there), to the rest of the world, it’s always a shock to hear the difference between the Britney we hear on the album and the Britney that records the songs.

A new audio has leaked, of the raw vocals on one of the star’s most recent releases, “Alien.” The official studio version is available below and, really, you don’t have to be some computer genius or have extensive music knowledge to realize that it’s heavily produced.

YouTube has pulled the leak with the raw vocals, but you will find it in full on Tumblr. It’s painful to listen to in places, which most definitely explains the loads of Auto-tune piled on top of it. You have been warned.