The farmer in charge of looking after the animals says the sheep found the cannabis close to one of their grazing areas

Oct 20, 2014 12:03 GMT  ·  By

Towards the end of last week, a bunch of sheep in the UK got to enjoy a very special snack. The kind of snack that usually makes folks crave dozens other snacks, be they sweet or salty, to be more precise.

Thus, the animals are said to have eaten several bags of cannabis that they chanced to find simply lying on the ground right next to one of their favorite grazing areas.

How exactly it was that these bags of weed ended up in sheep habitat all by themselves is, for the time being at least, still a mystery, media reports say.

A fairly expensive meal

The sheep are said to have come across the bags of cannabis while grazing and exploring a field at Fanny's Farm in the village of Mertsham in southern England. At first, the farmer accompanying them didn't realize what they were up to.

In fact, it was only after she picked up on the smell of cannabis that she figured out the animals were not eating run-off-the-mill weeds. By the time Nellie Budd realized what was happening, the sheep had already eaten several bags.

“At first I thought it was someone's hedgerow rubbish. I went down to collect the bags so the sheep weren't eating black plastic. When I got there I realized it was a form of herbal cannabis plant,” the farmer told the press in an interview.

“They were very strong in scent. I have no idea how they got there. It's right next to a road and the footpath is quite open,” Nellie Budd went on to detail, as cited by International Business Times.

It is estimated that, all in all, the sheep managed to eat about £4,000 (€5,043 / $6,435) worth of cannabis. The good news is that, apart from an increase in appetite, they did not experience any noteworthy health trouble or behavioral changes.

As Nellie Budd put it, “My sheep weren't quite on their backs with legs in the air but they probably had the munchies. They haven't had any other side effects but I'll tell you about the meat next week.”

A most unusual case

Police officers say that it almost never happens for them to find bags of cannabis simply lying on the ground, as if waiting for somebody to discover them. They go on to argue that whoever disposed of the weed in this manner surely isn't the most responsible person in the world.

An investigation is ongoing and detectives hope that, once they analyze the bags that the sheep left untouched, they will manage to figure out who it was that abandoned the cannabis in the field at Fanny's Farm.