The first case ever

Nov 14, 2005 10:44 GMT  ·  By

If all tests reach the same conclusion, a 25 year old British man could become the first person to be cured of the HIV virus.

Three years ago, Andrew Stimpson was diagnosed as being infected with HIV, but the tests he underwent 14 months later showed that he no longer had it.

The doctors said that this first case of "spontaneous clearing" might provide them with valuable information regarding the evolution of the virus and the possible treatment methods for AIDS.

Andrew Stimpson agreed to take supplementary tests in order to find out what led to this spectacular change.

A spokeswoman for the Chelsea and Westminster trust confirmed yesterday that Mr Stimpson had an HIV-positive diagnosis, followed by a negative test and she outlined the testing device's accuracy.

"Those tests are both accurate, the positive and a negative; they are correct", she said.

"I can't help wondering if I hold the cure for Aids. It is scary and confusing but makes me feel very special", Andrew Stimpson told a British newspaper.

"That is unbelievable. I think I am the luckiest person alive", he added.