The game will not use traditional voice acting or narration

Mar 24, 2012 02:21 GMT  ·  By

The Kickstarter crowd funding effort for Wasteland 2 has gone very well and the development team at inXile can begin actual work on Wasteland 2, with the development team seeking ways to make the title as complete as possible while using their still limited budget.

Speaking to RPG Codex, Brian Fargo, the leader of the development effort on Wasteland 2, said, “Keep in mind that we will design the game as if there was no conversation audio, so we won’t even consider that as a limitation. I don’t want to give away all my surprises, but people have made an assumption that voice acting is just talking heads or a narrator.”

The developer would not clarify how voice could be integrated into Wasteland 2 without using traditional means, but he made it clear that he had some ideas about audio integration that had not yet been tried by any other games.

Even if the voice work details are not available, the Wasteland development leader assured gamers that a lot of flavor text will be integrated into the experience and will be used to give the game world depth.

Fargo added, “The classic RPGs like a Fallout or a Torment had a heavy literary vibe with all the great prose and descriptions, and that is a large element that people liked. I’m not talking about stepping on every square and getting a paragraph, but there is definitely a place for good writing.”

Wasteland 2 is designed to be a direct sequel to the game that Fargo created back in 1989 and will use the same themes of survival.

The core mechanics will be that of an old school role-playing game and modern gamers will have a chance to see one of the experiences that served as the basis for hits like the recent Fallout titles from Bethesda.