Oct 21, 2010 10:47 GMT  ·  By

A new research carried out by the University of Missouri School of Health Professions, focused on the lives of breast cancer patients after chemotherapy and found out that their quality of life depends on their environments.

Stephanie Reid-Arndt, an assistant professor of health psychology in the School of Health Professions, said that “a lot of times people get mentally and emotionally ready to deal with chemotherapy and they receive a lot of support during that time.

“Then they go home and everyone feels like it's over, but the patients still have worries and fears about the changes they've been through and what it means for the future.”

There are many women for whom the effects of breast cancer, which is the most frequent form of cancer in women, don't just remain in the hospital, while they leave after treatment.

The results of the research found that women need good environments and available support systems in order to overcome breast cancer and what comes with it, psychologically speaking.

Those women who refuse to seek social support, who refuse therapy and informal support networks after undergoing chemotherapy, have reported a lower quality of life and higher depression rates.

Some people find it very hard to ask for help, don't know how, don't want to bother people or just don't want to share their issues, according to Reid-Arndt.

The researchers concluded that the patients' homes also have something to do with this, as most reports of low quality of life and well-being came from women living in rural areas, once they finished chemotherapy.

And even though women from rural areas also reported increased breast cancer related symptoms like body-image issues and fatigue, the researchers say it's not so bad after all.

They stress that people living in small rural communities have stronger family, community and religious values, so women can find relief in these support systems.

“There tends to be strong community support for patients in rural areas that will accommodate varying levels of function,” said Reid-Arndt.

“Unfortunately, while this informal support system provides great comfort to patients, it lacks formal mental health and health issues knowledge available from health care professionals.”