“Superman” comes to the hottest spy series on NBC

Aug 28, 2009 13:28 GMT  ·  By

Brandon Routh shot to international fame with the 2006 “Superman” reboot, but has been keeping a relatively low profile since that release and especially when critics and fans turned on him, saying part of the reason the film failed was his poor performance as the Man of Steel. Fans of the actor will now be able to see him in the upcoming episodes of “Chuck,” NBC’s cult series, Michael Ausiello of The Ausiello Files can confirm.

Routh will appear in the fourth episode of the new season of “Chuck” and, while not specifically a rival of the beloved and goofy character, he will soon start competing with him for Sarah’s affection. Ausiello says Routh will be both mysterious and charming, more than enough to cause tension and get the ball rolling in the right direction, as they say.

“It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s the most awesome casting news ever: Erstwhile Superman Brandon Routh is joining ‘Chuck’ for a multi-episode arc, sources confirm to me exclusively. […] Routh’s character, Shaw, is a mysterious new spy who takes control as the new leader of Operation Bartwoski, becoming a mentor to Chuck and a rival in his affections for Sarah. He first appears in this season’s fourth episode. Bottom line: Who better to teach Chuck how to use his powers that the Man of Steel himself?!” Ausiello writes, citing sources close with the production.

Speaking of the Man of Steel, earlier this year, word broke that Warner Bros. was very cautious about putting another “Superman” movie out there because of the way the first had performed but, most importantly, because of the way it had been received by the fans. Initial speculation had it that the movie studio would release a sequel immediately after the reboot, but poor sales made it practically impossible without burning a major hole in the studio’s pocket.

“Warner’s talked to us and a few other writer/director teams, but things seem to be in stasis right now. As far as I understand, nothing is happening with Superman at the moment and so the director and I are just working on another project. If it happens, great. If it doesn’t, no biggie. [My latest comic] taught me that creating your own stuff can be at least as much fun and you don’t have to answer to anyone. It’s the future, baby.” comic-book writer Mark Miller, who had been hired for the “Superman” sequel, was saying back in March.

Until Routh returns to the Man of Steel franchise, if he ever does, fans will see him in “Chuck.” It’s better than not at all.