Jul 20, 2011 12:20 GMT  ·  By

Sometimes, fame comes at too steep a price, and this also seems to be the case of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, arguably the most famous couple in showbiz right now. Good friend Matt Damon, for one, believes they’re prisoners of their own fame and popularity.

In a new interview cited by People magazine, Damon talks about fame and how it’s been treating his differently than it does Brad and Angelina.

For one thing, even if he too is a multi-millionaire actor, he can still enjoy a normal life (or the closest thing to it, for that matter), whereas they can’t.

“I have friends who are like prisoners. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, for instance. They can’t just go someplace. If they go for a walk, it turns into an international incident,” Damon says of his friends.

He’s sorry for them but, at the same time, he’s happy he is not in their shoes, because this allows him to enjoy fame without (some of) its biggest downsides.

“I’m really lucky, because I have the best of both worlds. I do the work that I love and need, but don’t need paramilitary troops to protect me when I walk out my front door,” Matt says.

Of course, even if the media would go head over heels with him, he’d still not be interested in playing the fame game because he’s way too focused on his gorgeous family, his wife and four daughters.

“Ever since I found my wife [Luciana] and we had children, my whole life revolves around that. It gave my life a dramatic change in direction,” the actor reveals in the same interview.

Damon believes being married to a woman who is not an actress and living in New York with his family keep him grounded, preventing him from getting sucked in the whole fame thing.

This is actually what sets him apart from other celebrities, movie stars in particular, he says in the same interview.