They’re shooting WWII movie “Fury” in London, not getting along at all

Nov 28, 2013 13:36 GMT  ·  By
First official photo for WWII drama “Fury” with Brad Pitt and Shia LaBeouf
   First official photo for WWII drama “Fury” with Brad Pitt and Shia LaBeouf

Brad Pitt and Shia LaBeouf are now both in London, where they’re shooting for a WWII movie Brad is also producing, called “Fury.” While the production is on schedule, things on set aren’t really ideal because Brad and Shia simply don’t click – and it’s all because of the latter’s “intense” Method acting.

As Radar Online also points out, this really isn’t the first time when a co-star allegedly complains about Shia’s manner of getting into a character, since he previously got into a feud with the explosive Alec Baldwin for the same reason, and then walked out on a play they were supposed to do together.

He’s not fighting with Brad just yet, but insiders say for the same media outlet that he is at the end of his tether because of Shia’s Method acting, which is getting way too “intense” to be fun to be around in between takes.

“Brad and Shia haven’t formed a tight friendship during the making of Fury. Brad likes to enjoy himself on a set, but Shia is an incredibly serious guy when it comes to his performances. They have very different styles of working and it’s not mixing well on a personal level, which is tough because Brad and Shia met many years ago and wanted to work together,” says a spy.

When “Fury” came along, they were thrilled by the idea of finally getting the chance to work together but, in just a few weeks, Brad realized things wouldn’t turn out on a personal level as he’d hoped.

“Brad is impressed by the performance Shia is turning in, but it’s not helping their friendship for Brad to see how much torture Shia puts himself through to get results. Brad is a laid back guy who works completely differently from this kid,” the insider continues.

“Brad loves to joke around with his young co-stars. And especially on a very serious war movie, he’d love to take the edge off by kicking back between scenes. But Shia wants to stay in character the whole time,” adds the tipster.

Because he’s had so much fun with Jonah Hill on set when they did “Moneyball,” Brad can’t but compare the two and the comparison isn’t doing Shia any favors. On the other hand, he does deserve some credit at least for being so dedicated as to go full Method and not leave character once the scene is complete, doesn’t he?