This image was snapped during the Apollo 17 mission

Dec 13, 2011 13:36 GMT  ·  By
This remarkable image was re-released by NASA, to mark the 39th anniversary of Apollo 17
   This remarkable image was re-released by NASA, to mark the 39th anniversary of Apollo 17

Today, December 13, NASA released this image of astronaut Harrison H. Schmitt walking on the surface of the Moon to mark the 39th anniversary of the extravehicular activity (EVA). The walk took place during Apollo 17.

The snapshot is in fact a composite of two different images, both of which were snapped by Apollo 17 astronaut Eugene A. Cernan.

He and Schmitt arrived at this massive lunar boulder inside the Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV), which is visible to the right of the image.

Apollo 17 was the eleventh and final mission NASA carried out to the Moon. It was also the last time ever a Saturn V rocket would take off from the Kennedy Space Center (KSC), in Florida.

At the same time, the mission broke the record for the longest EVA of all other Apollo flights.