“Breastox,” perfect for a quick confidence booster, experts say

Nov 6, 2009 18:21 GMT  ·  By
Botox injections to the chest are a new mommy’s best ally for a quick lift of the bust
   Botox injections to the chest are a new mommy’s best ally for a quick lift of the bust

In recent months, women all over the world looking for a quick fix in terms of the way their cleavage looks like have started to become increasingly familiar with a new presence on the scene: Botox injections to the chest. These, also known under the term of “Breastox” procedure, ensure that the muscle under the breast is paralyzed which, in turn, tightens the muscles in the back, leading to a mild lifting effect.

Surgeons speaking to the Daily Mail assure that this new use for Botox is ideal for women who have just given birth and who are in desperate need for a quick fix. However, given that they come with a price tag of no less than £1,000 for a single session, “Breastox” is not seen right now as a solution fit for the long run, but rather as a quick confidence booster in case of an emergency.

“A young woman who has recently been pregnant might not have very much in her wardrobe that fits. But she is under pressure to look good just weeks after giving birth. This is another tool in their armory,” Sach Mohan, a surgeon with cosmetic surgery chain Transform, says for the Mail. So, the woman in question makes an appointment to have Botox injected in pectoralis minor chest muscle. The procedure lasts half an hour, it is not painful, because an anesthetic is first injected into the area, and has results that can last up to three months, by which time Botox breaks down and will be absorbed into the body and then eliminated.

On the downside, Botox injected to the chest does not reshape or alter in any way the breast tissue, experts also point out. This means that it’s only good for the aforementioned mild lift and that, for more than this, women still have to resort to surgery. However, Botox also eliminates wrinkles, which means injections to the chest are ideal to banish the lines that appear on the cleavage.

“Wrinkles on the chest area are very ageing and a dead giveaway to a lady’s age, and sun-worshippers are most likely to suffer deeper set wrinkles. Sun damage rapidly ages the skin, leaving it wrinkly and saggy and unfortunately, while many women are cottoning on to wearing sun cream to protect their faces, they’re not paying the same attention to their chests,” Gwen Davies, Transform’s head of non-surgical treatments, also says for the same British tab.