The game will receive more content that's linked to the story

Jan 11, 2012 10:48 GMT  ·  By

Video game developer BioWare is ready to deliver both single player and multiplayer post launch content for its upcoming mix between action game and role playing, Mass Effect 3.

Speaking to Game Informer Case Hudson, who is the leading producer working on Mass Effect 3, said, “There’s some multiplayer stuff, but we’re also planning some DLC on the single-player side, because it did really good in Mass Effect 2. There’s a reason why we can add stories to what’s there.”

It seems that the BioWare team is interested in making the single player downloadable content linked to the main story and that it will stand ready to be explored in subsequent playthroughs, encouraging gamers to get through the game more than one time and explore possible story variations.

Hudson added, “The adventure-type DLC will happen in the time frame of Mass Effect 3, within your Mass Effect 3 storyline. It’s similar to how with Mass Effect 2, if you had a saved game from anywhere inside the game, you could go on to the DLC. We have a pretty neat concept for how it’s going to work.”

BioWare has recently revealed the pre-order bonuses and the Collector’s Edition information for Mass Effect 3 and the company seems to have renounced the trends of adding significant in-game content in order to get players interested.

For its most recent role playing release, Dragon Age 2, BioWare has released a limited number of DLC pieces and the released content for Mass Effect 3 will likely depend on the commercial success of the game.

The new Mass Effect title will ask players to control Commander Shepard as he tries to get the allies he needs in order to repeal the Reaper assault on Earth.

Mass Effect 3 is set to be released on the PlayStation 3, the Xbox 360 and the PC on March 6 in North America and three days later in Europe.