Performance optimization for the presence of 3 million weapons took a little longer than expected

Sep 23, 2009 12:48 GMT  ·  By

Bordarlands for the PC will be coming a bit later than scheduled, but, unlike many games that don't meet the deadline by whole years, Borderlads will be delayed for only six days. Planned for release on October 20, the game will miss its deadline in order to receive further tweaking. However, the release dates remain unaltered for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions. "We're optimizing the PC version which takes a few days longer than expected," IGN 2K Games' senior PR manager Charlie Sinhaseni said.

The game is developed under the watchful eye of Gearbox Software, which brought big titles in gaming history. The original Half Life series, as well as the ports to other platforms for the game and the mods along with the Brothers in Arms series and Halo: Combat Evolved are the games that make people remember Gearbox. Bordarlands will make use of the Unreal 3 engine and will be a first-person shooter, action role-playing game that will also allow vehicular combat.

Inspired by the Mad Max film series and the Diablo RPG, Bordarlands will borrow the design style and the randomization system of the game via the Procedural Content Creation System, which will greatly influence weapon variation and to a small degree the game and world map. MTV was granted access to the Debug console and mentioned in a multiplayer preview that the game had in its database a mind blowing 3,166,880 weapons. Considering that the game uses a Diablo style of weapons built in, just like, for example Hellgate: London did, the real number of weapons might not be so big, but still, 3 million should be enough for everyone.

The gameplay allows four playable characters, all with individual stories and style. Mordecai, Roland, Lilith and Brick are the heroes of the game and each one of them chips in to complete the classical role-playing party. Mordecai is a ranger, a range damage dealer, while Roland is a soldier, offering support for the party. He is also the only one that doesn't need to worry about ammo, thanks to a special class ability. Lilith is the mage of the bunch while Brick is the melee tank, with the occasional berserk damage.