Jen O’Shea survived Ewing’s Sarcoma, a type of bone cancer

May 29, 2013 14:51 GMT  ·  By

A bone cancer survivor from Canada shows off an incredible skill gained as a bonus after surviving the disease.

This girl can rotate her leg to 180 degrees, and she even shows it off to family and friends and records their reaction.

*User discretion is advised when playing this video, as some of you might find it disturbing. According to DNA India, Jen O’Shea suffered from Ewing’s Sarcoma and she had to undergo a hemipelvectomy.

She was saved by the procedure that left her with incredible flexibility, which she displayed on camera in an unsuccessful bid to win a YouTube contest on the Ellen DeGeneres show.

“Only for you Ellen would I show everyone just how weird I really am,” she says.