Cybercriminals are using the spam campaign to distribute Cridex

Apr 18, 2013 21:01 GMT  ·  By

When the new pope was elected, fake CNN news emails started making the rounds, attempting to lure users to malicious websites. Later, when news broke out about the crisis in Cyprus, similar BBC emails started landing in inboxes.

Now, cybercriminals have launched a campaign around the Boston Marathon bombings.

CyberCrime & Doing Time reports that the campaign uses various subject lines, such as:

- Opinion: North Korean Official's child was the CIA target - Boston Marathon Explosions Worse Sensations. - - Osama bin Laden's legacy - Boston Marathon Explosions - - Opinion: FBI knew about bombs 3 days before Boston Marathon - Why and Who Benefits? - - Opinion: Boston Marathon Explosions - Who benefits? -

Users who click on the links contained in these emails are taken to a website that serves the Cridex malware.

Internauts are advised to be on the lookout for any suspicious emails regarding the Boston Marathon incident.