Before or after the 'real video' iPod?

Apr 6, 2006 14:12 GMT  ·  By

"Apple had a strangely quiet 30th birthday over the weekend, but it hasn't been staying indoors watching Pixar films. According to a UK retailer we've been speaking to, they added the final touches to a Bluetooth iPod," Mark Wilson writes for Stuff Magazine. "Rumors of a iPod with the wireless tech built-in reached fever pitch in February 2005, but it looks like the jukebox is finally ready to appear in the Apple store, along with a deluge of accessories."

Before April 1st, nearly all of the Apple-related rumors floating on the Internet were about the iPhone. Now that the first day of April has come and gone and there has been no iPhone announcement, the rumors have switched back to iPod.

While Apple does talk about a wireless iPod and a lot of it's possible functions such as syncing wirelessly and even creating a sort of "personal broadcast" that other people around you can tune to, there is one thing that none of the rumors does mention - battery life.

Without a doubt, Apple has taken the wireless iPod into consideration and the patents speak for themselves. However, iPod is not an incredibly "long runner". If Apple included Bluetooth into the iPod, the battery life would take a significant nosedive.