?and comment using OpenID

Dec 3, 2007 11:09 GMT  ·  By

Isn't it a nuisance that whenever you want to comment on any of your friend's Blogger account posts, you can't link back to your blog, because you're using some different OpenID-enabled service, such as LiveJournal or WordPress? It is, don't answer that, it was only a rhetorical question.

It was only logical for Google to take this step, the implementation of OpenID with Brad Fitzpatrick, the system's father, having "transferred" to the Mountain View giant's payroll a while ago. Open ID is a "decentralized single sign-on system. Using OpenID-enabled sites, web users do not need to remember traditional authentication tokens such as username and password. Instead, they only need to be previously registered on a website with an OpenID 'identity provider' (IdP). Since OpenID is decentralized, any website can employ OpenID software as a way for users to sign in; OpenID solves the problem without relying on any centralized website to confirm digital identity," according to Wikipedia.

You will already have an OpenID account, if you now have an account on any of the following companies' sites: AOL, Orange, WOrdPress, Six Apart, Livejournal, Explode, Wikitravel, Technocrati, Xpoint and some others, but in order to activate it and use it for Blogger in draft, you will have to visit draft.blogger.com and edit the settings for your blog, choose the Comments tab and select "Anyone" or "Registered users". Many pray that this is just the first small step for a full integration with Google's authentication system.

For the time being, the feature is still in draft, as the development team is expecting user feedback on the implementation, and some more testing is required as well, before moving to the Blogger's main site. Also, it is worked on adding functionality, in order to let Blogger's URLs be used for commenting elsewhere on the web, according to the Blogger's? erm? blog.