May 6, 2011 15:01 GMT  ·  By

Blogger is working on a massive overhaul, but, in the meantime, has introduced a couple of new features and tweaks ahead of the big launches coming. All users are now able to add location data to their posts, if they so desire.

There is also an updated media content upload interface, similar to the generic one Google is implementing for all of its sites, and several issues have been fixed as well.

Blogger in Draft is a the equivalent of Google or Gmail Labs and is where new features and updates are first introduced for testing. This was true for support for geolocation information attached to posts as well.

"Geotagging has been available for a while on Blogger in Draft, but is now available to all users with today’s release. To add location information to your blog posts, simply click the Add Location button in the bottom right of the new post editor," Blogger explained.

"This will bring up a new window that displays the familiar Google Maps interface and you can search, drag, zoom, and drop markers for the location of your choice," it added.

If you haven't used the feature since it was first introduced in Draft you should be pleased to know that it has gained a couple of improvements, like the ability to remove location data from a post you've published.

Geolocation data can be quite valuable and can add plenty of context to a post. While geotags haven't proven hugely popular on Twitter or any of the other blogging services that have implemented the feature, it should still be an useful addition for plenty of people.

A new photo and video uploader has been introduced. It not only looks better, but it also has more options. For example, you can add a photo to a post from your computer, but you can also insert one from one of your Picasa Web albums or from any other place online, from the same dialog box.

Photo Gallery (2 Images)

Geotagging in Blogger
An updated photo and video uploader in Blogger
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