Play against other people

Sep 12, 2008 19:41 GMT  ·  By

The guys at Blizzard announce that they are opening up transfers from the Player versus Environment servers to the Player versus Player servers in World of Warcraft. The move is bound to be controversial as the company initially stated that such transfers would never be allowed to take place in its MMO.

The idea is that it was considered to be unfair to those players who had leveled up their characters in the much tougher environment of Player versus Player servers to make them compete with players that had the chance to min max their characters while only playing against the monsters.

The developers say that “Because World of Warcraft has matured significantly since the inception of Paid Character Transfers, we don't feel that PvE-to-PvP transfers will have the negative impact on the game that we initially wanted to avoid when we started the service in 2006”, which might be true but be ready for a backlash from veteran players. They point out that the new option will allow gamers to get together and play with their friends.

There's also a chance that more and more players will begin their World of Warcraft carriers in the safer environment on PvE just to be able to enter the PvP realms with a greater array of equipment and with better skills.

The only barrier to transfer at the moment is that it costs 20 Euros, which might limit the amount of accounts which are transferred. You need to access your account and then click the “Paid Character Transfer” button to begin the process.

World of Warcraft is set to receive a new expansion, the second since launch, in the final part of 2008. Wrath of the Lich King is going to open up a new continent for players to explore while also introducing a class, the Death Knight.