The company plans to overhaul the system in patch 6.1

Feb 9, 2015 10:12 GMT  ·  By

Blizzard Entertainment has detailed some of the upcoming changes that will be made to the heirloom system in World of Warcraft's upcoming patch 6.1

The company plans to change a lot of things in the massive patch and to introduce a ton of meaningful improvements, including the ability to purchase followers for your Garrison, a feature meant to enable those who missed out on certain quest rewards to get the full experience.

The heirloom system will also get an overhaul, providing a more streamlined experience for fans of Blizzard's ten-year-old massively multiplayer online role-playing game.

Once patch 6.1 goes live, all heirlooms will be automatically added into the new system, available across your account.

According to the post on the forums, heirlooms will be modified to obtain maximum levels that fall into three groups, levels 1 through 60, 61 through 90, and 91 through 100.

Heirlooms that you possess will be included in the appropriate group, with previous maximum levels receiving an upgrade, which means that, if you own a heirloom that previously maxed out at level 85, it will max out at level 90 after the update.

Further improvements

The new system will work pretty much like the other collections in World of Warcraft do. After patch 6.1 goes live, players will be able to simply log into a character and open the collection screen, displaying all of the heirloom items previously obtained on any characters in a single interface pane.

However, the company notes that you will have to log into each of the characters that currently have heirloom items either in their bags, bank or void storage, in order for the items to be recorded in the collection.

Furthermore, heirloom items that are in the mail will need to be retrieved in order for them to show up in the heirloom master list interface.

From there on, equipping a character with any item will require that you right-click on any of your available heirlooms, generating a new copy in your inventory.

Blizzard has also revealed that patch 6.1 will add The Heirloom Hoarded achievement, requiring players to obtain 35 different items and rewarding them with a special Chauffeured Chopper, a mount that can be used by all characters, even at level 1.

World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor screenshots (5 Images)

World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor screenshot
World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor heirloom systemWorld of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor special mount