Outdoor areas won't be random generated, gore might be lowered

Jul 25, 2008 16:06 GMT  ·  By

Everybody knew that Diablo III was in the works but once the game was officially revealed, the true madness began. Of course, the rather lengthy trailer only proved that we'd indeed have a great title, but that was about it: many questions were left unanswered and we were all wondering when we'd get some answers. It seems that time has come since Blizzard Community Manager Bashiok went on to the official forums and posted a rather lengthy message clearing a bit (but just a bit) the dense fog surrounding the upcoming release.

Probably the most important thing revealed by Bashiok was the fact that outdoor areas, unlike dungeons, are generally static and not random generated. It makes sense since, as the community manager said, we would lose the sense of cohesion if towns kept popping every here and there, making it basically unable to navigate and create any sort of connection with the places we're visiting. However, Bashiok said that these areas won't be completely static, even though hand-crafted will be the right word to describe them.

When asked about the biting off of heads and such, he admitted it was something Blizzard had in mind only for the final fight in the presentation, but it is something they're currently trying to implement in-game. Well, they'd better do it, since we saw just how cool it was! Unfortunately, Bashiok did not reveal any details regarding the classes, stating that any information on the matter would be like reading the ending of a mystery book. And nobody wants that to happen with Diablo III.

Also, he went on to say that we would not receive any class specific armor, even though some items or weapons will be better suited for specific classes: "we don't plan nor have any armor items at the moment that are class specific - although the bonuses and stats may be better suited to a certain class - anyone can pick up any chest/shoulder/leg/etc item and wear it. However, there are some weapons/off-hand items that are class specific," he wrote. You can read all his answers here.