Not being able to see does not hinder this pup when it comes to retrieving objects

Sep 14, 2012 11:17 GMT  ·  By

About three years ago, a Labrador going by the name of Jack (Potters Green, Coventry) lost its eyesight.

However, this unfortunate incident seems to have had almost no influence on its ability to enjoy life and carry on with its business as usual.

Moreover, Jack recently managed to impress a panel of judges and became an official water sports champion. Thus, it managed to pin-down and fetch various items whilst moving with impressive swiftness and grace.

Owner Margaret Simpson told members of the press that, from her standpoint, Jack always had it in itself to become a champion, seeing how its inborn abilities to get around in water were outstanding to say the least.

Still, “I was really surprised when he won and it is great for him to finally be recognised for his achievements,” she further said.