It will blow you away

Jul 13, 2007 09:30 GMT  ·  By

The Transformers movie has hit the big screen a few days ago and promises to be quite successful. As it usually happens with good action hero concepts, a great deal of merchandise associated to the movie's theme has already been released. The Transformers mobile phone is a mere idea, although a considerably impressive one.

The Transformers mobile game has been unveiled for some time now. Just to keep contact with the mobile world, a cell phone concept has sprung these days and looks quite appealing, although impossible to be put out for production.

Making tower blocks or cars turn into high tech robots is an old concept which has always been successful, especially with children. Such an idea looks great even when applied to a cell phone by Parkoz Hardware. Actually, any of the common objects surrounding us has high chances of being quite impressive when turned into a robot.

The image of the concept also comes with a video showing just what this call phone is capable of doing. At first it rests peacefully on the desktop, but as soon as a call is received, he quickly turns into a robot and pulls out his strongest weapons. He then starts shooting with its two guns carving in wood Parkoz. With the evolved robot features, it looks like the telecom services have received an upgrade too, as text messages are now written with small bullets.

Of course, this Transformers phone will stay only as a concept, although it would probably be mind blowing. Literally. Moreover, it would probably turn out to be quite difficult to estimate its performances, depending on how fast it turns into a robot or the 3G speed.

Apple must have been wrong when considering their iPhone as the most evolved cellular. This Transformers concept looks like the ultimate high technology used in a mobile phone. Who needs a touchscreen, when you have two mini-guns instead?