Crowd Science has run a survey amongst smartphone users regarding their preferences and the results were made public

Mar 16, 2010 15:32 GMT  ·  By

In a study conducted by Crowd Science's advanced research platform, the online audience was ranked and analyzed in direct correlation with the main tech manufacturers’ preferences. This study revealed some interesting results.

Therefore, a first conclusion was drawn about almost 40% of BlackBerry users who would exchange their current phone for an iPhone. A third of them, however, would also switch to the Android operating system.

The debut of Nexus One on January 5 occurred midway through the Dec. 24. 2009 to Jan. 21, 2010 study period. Without being a disruptive factor, however, the Crowd Scientists were able to measure how the launch affected the attitudes of respondents. In this case, the awareness as to the Android operating system jumped six points – to 66% from 60%.

The awareness of the Google Nexus One phone itself after its launch was found to be of 91% amongst iPhone users, of 75% amongst BlackBerry users, and of 73% amongst users of other smartphones. If we switch from awareness to familiarity, the results remained stable throughout the research period – at about 10% for all smartphone users excluding Android owners, MacDaily News relates.

The Crowd Scientists also reported that Android and iPhone users would compete as far as loyalty was concerned, as a percentage of 90% of each user group would stick to the current brand when purchasing a new device.

John Martin, CEO of Crowd Science, affirmed in the press release, "These results show that the restlessness of Blackberry users with their current brand hasn't just been driven by the allure of iPhone." He added, "Rather, Blackberry as a brand just isn't garnering the loyalty seen with other mobile operating systems."

iPhone owners have a much higher incidence of downloading paid applications than any other group of smartphone users surveyed, as they are more likely to download free apps, as the study reports, in a seven-day period.

Other survey results refer to the personal or business usage of smartphones. In this respect, both Android and iPhone users were found much more likely than BlackBerry users to employ their phones only for personal stuff (32%, 28% and 16%, respectively), whereas 7% of BlackBerry users would employ their phone only for business purposes, with that category of users being minimal with the iPhone (1%) and non-existent in the Android base, the same source concludes.